Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Budgie Sexing

Budgie Sexing

23 9:50:50

Can you please tell me how to sex a budgie? I have two budgies. I think it has something to do with the cere. One budgie's cere is dark/light brown and the other's is purple/pink. Please answer back,

The budgie with a brownish cere is female, and the pinkish one is a male.  I think you have pied budgies, they're a bit different.  Normally the male has a blue cere, but in this breed its pinkish.
Hope that clears things up!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Are they breedable? They touch their beaks very often and frequently scratch each other's heads.

As long as they're not related, they should be able to breed just fine.  Get a nest box or two (they're picky sometimes) and get some small animal bedding.  Then put some bedding in and around the nest box.  Budgies are little neat freaks, and they will clean up the nest.  This behavior helps to trigger the breeding instinct.

If they're affectionate with each other, you've got a good chance of getting them to breed.
Good Luck!