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pregnant budgie

23 9:50:37

What are the signs that my budgie is pregnant? Our budgie has been going under the paper at the bottom of the cage. She has been eating more too and she has a hump on her back.

Hi val!

Budgies don't get pregnant. Does your female even have a mate? She may be going under the paper in a playful manner. I have noticed that budgies usually eat more in the spring and summer. A hump on her back doesn't sound like a good thing. She may have a tumor! If she has a hump near her vent then she may be getting ready to lay, but by the sound of it she is just being a normal budgie, although that hump on her back you're talking about might be of some concern. Depending on how big it is, you probably need to take her to a vet. If you can tell me a bit more about her behaviors I can tell you if she really is going to lay.

Hope this helps!