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Budgie - injurie

23 9:44:34

Hi our budgie was attacked by an animal of somekind - probably a cat and has left a wound on the chest area and under its wing...we did not expect that it would survive the day  (we couldn't get to a vet).  she has got through the night and where yesterday she was very distressed and wouldn't allow us to get too close today she is quiet and a bit ruffled she is eating but she is struggling a little to move around - the wound looks like a sore that is scabbing over and in some areas it looks as the feathers have been plucked - as I am writing she is chirping and she is tending to her wound - is there anything I can do to help her or should I just let nature take care of itself, shoulod I bath it.  too be honest we cannot afford a vet especially if there isn't anything that they can do but we do want to make sure that she gets the care she needs.  your advise would be very appreiciated.  thank you

Hello Louise,
The only thing the vet will be able to do is give your bird an antibiotic to help with healing. They wouldnt be able to guarntee anything either. So, the best thing you can do is to just keep her in a quiet place thats not to hectic. If its scabbing over that means its healing, which is a very good sign. Also, if shes chirping and "tending" to it those are also very good signs. Watch for any purpleness and discoloring other that whats there, and or puss. These can be signs of infection and would REQUIRE antibiotics in order for her to make it.
She will most likely be fine as long as shes not stressed. Stress slows the system down and can make a bird depressed, thus ending in death.

Good Luck and I hope I helped!

P.s. Fresh water ~EVERY DAY~ and food when needed!