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budgie illness

23 9:44:45

My budgie is 2 years old, it has often regurgetated seed sometimes it is black seed other times it just normal colour seed... however when i got home from work today he was very clingy would not leave me and he had been throwing up thick gloopy substance... i'm not sure what to do to make this stop. He is still pretty active and playing about with our remotes etc but i do think something is wrong, it has happened in the past but he was fine after a day so didnt do anything about it, but becasue it has happened again i thought i should seek advice.. no avian vet nearby! he is eating and drinking water as normal and is currently loosing his feathers

This definatly sounds stress related. He may be throwing up because he has bonded to you. When a budgie is bonded to one another, the male with regugitate his food to feed his mate. They also do this to mirrors and toys in the cage. Because he is currently losing feathers, I would suggest you take him to an avian vet asap. There are several possibilitys. Because I cannot see him in person, I am not able to 100% correctly diagnose what he has.

If you love your Budgie, it would be well worth a trip to take him to the vet.

Good Luck Jenna! Hope I helped a little.