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mites Problem

23 9:51:51

My male Budgie is continuously biting his legs --his toenails. Does he have some sort of disease or mites on his feet becuase his feet are bleeding and the toenails are falling off. What should i do -should i put dethol on his legs??? He does look a bit sick. Has this happened to you ??

Hello Cornelius,

No, this particular problem has not happened to me, well, not to this extent. My bird did have scaly face and i took him to the vet, and he prescribed a medicine and the bird was better within 3 weeks. But tell me if your bird does this...My bird could not hold still at all. He would try to sleep but he couldn't stop moving his feet. The feet would shake and he would constantly have to reposition himself. He sometimes would bite them, but never to make them bleed or his toenails fall off. Shaking and biting the feet is a symptom of mites. Also if your bird has pits in his beak (looks like smeared droppings) this could be a sign of scaly face which is also caused by mites. Does your bird's feet look rough or scaly? I would call your avian vet to see if you can get an appointment. Before it gets worse try to see a vet.

this website has a picture of a budgie with mites and scaly face..see if your budgies looks like this or has these symptoms.

Hope this helped!

(any other questions feel free to ask...don't forget to rate the answer!)

