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they hate me!

23 9:55:13

I guess I should start from the beginning.  I had 2 parakeets: Mel and Sydney.  Sydney used to step on my finger and sit on my shoulder-but Mel never would.  I really think Mel just hated people-he'd try to bite, fly out of the cage as soon as I opened the door, wouldn't let me clip his wings, wouldn't eat the treats I offered-just a real a-hole (sorry).  For a while, I gave up trying to tame either of them, because I knew I'd have to chase Mel all over the house as soon as I opened the cage, it was a hassle I didn't want.  One day, while cleaning the cage, he flew away (it was totally an accident, I swear!!  Really, it was, my boyfriend had the door open, and I didn't know).  I tried for days to get him to come back (I saw him in some trees nearby the day after he flew the coup), I even put Sydney outside (in the cage, of course) to sing him home-but it was no use-he didn't want anything more to do with us.   My boyfriend tried to climb the tree to catch him.  I was upset.  I even cried.  My boyfriend says he was a "free spirit."  I'm rambling a little, let me just move on...
I just bought a new parakeet.  We named him Pete.  He's blue, just like Mel was.  He's taken to Sydney quite nicely.  They sit next to each other and talk and tweet and groom each other.  Pete will sit on my finger and my shoulder, he'll even let me scratch his little birdie head-I really like that, I like to think he does too.  Pete will step up onto my finger when I put my hand in the cage.  But now I think Sydney hates me.  I try to play with both keets so they can have equal attention, but I have to get a dishcloth and catch Sydney to get him to come out of the cage.  I read that they are more tame if you take them to a quiet place-so Sydney and I go into the bathroom (with the door closed, because I think the dog scares him).  After sitting with him, wrapped in a dish towel and talking softly, I slowly open my hands to let him out...he'll step on my finger, but then he flies away.  If I try to coax him back onto my finger, he tries to bite...I really don't want another Mel, and I don't want Pete to start to hate me like Sydney is starting to hate me.  
I always leave treats in the cage for them after our "play time", but they never eat the treats.  Is that really what this is about?  They don't like yolk bars or coconut strips or seed balls or banana shaped seaseme treats?  I just don't know what to do...PLEASE HELP!!

hello! Well came to the right place! Fisrt off, i am so sorry that Mel flew away. We all have bird accendents. Trust me, ive lost many keets to windows, cats, and illnesses. Its ok to feel sad but its not your fault. Accedents happen to a lot of birds.
Older birds like sydney will never be tame enough to be handled or pet. My first keet, skittles, is about 6 years old, and today he still cannot be handled. He'll land on my head and maybe take some millet from my hand but thats it. some keets are just not ment to be handled, like sydney. Sydney doesnt hate you eather. Its more afraid than hate. Parakeets will bite and fly away because they are frightened. We know that we wont hurt them but they dont know that. They go with their instincts. For a keet to be really tame you need to dedicate lots of time to pete. twice or even three times a day take pete out. Stroke him tell him hes handsome and work on his stepping up on your finger. Make your sessions short because a keet can get bored and tired easily. Instead of trying to handle sydney, let him fly around on his own. Clip pete's wings to reduce flying. When you are not playing with them talk to them softly through the cage. Hang millet spray in their cage regularly. Baby keets need to be handled a lot otherwise their fear of humans will set in. Dont force your keets to step up if they dont want to, and dont yell or punsish them, birds dont know the meaning of punishment and will try to bite you even more. Getting a loose bird in or out of the cage by the use of the towel is very good. After play time try putting lettuce, grass, parsley, or other herbs. Keets LOVE parsley when spritzed with water. They love green leafy things. Its very healthy for them and natural. Store bought treats tend to only be favored by bigger parrots. Stick to millet and greens. also female keets can be more agressive than males. are you sure sydney and pete are males? A blue cere indicates a male, beige indicates a female. Of course it doesnt matter the sex when handling them, but at least you will will get some insight to why Sydney bites. Just keep talking to them and keep handling pete while letting sydney do his own thing. if any other questions need to answered please feel free. good luck!