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Taming and companion

23 9:54:40

Yes I recently bought a (4 month old supposly)Green parakeet.How can I tame him to sit on my finger with out him trying to bite it off.I caught him with a glove and he tried to eat me up.Also should I get him a freind.I was told at the pet place I have a male bird.He has not lost any of his specks on his head hardly.I is just barely turning yellow.I was told he was a very you bird.

Hello Arlene! Pet stores are always for some reason confused about bird genders. If the parakeet is 4 months old then its cere still has yet to turn color. Theres no way a 4 month old bird could be sexed that early. And since you noticed that the bars are not gone yet from the forhead then the baby is indeed young. Parakeets cere's usaully turn blue(male) or brown(female) around a year old. Some may take a little longer. The color appears on their cere when they become sexualy mature. So yours is still a baby which the cere will be pinkish/purplish.
Pet stores get their keets from large breeders and the babies have no human contact. After about 2 months the babies fear of humans starts to kick in. Since your baby has not been handled by people when it was young it now thinks of humans as 'bad'. By this point keets that are already nasty will rarley become tame. It may take years before yours even wants to come near you. My first keet, skittles, was nasty and he bit all the time. Its been 4 years and he still cannot be held. He flies around the room and may land on my head from time to time but i have never been able to touch him. I would get another keet for a comapanion just because budgies are very social flock animals and enjoy another bird. Hand tame keets are very hard to find so you may just have to take your chances with a store one. Try to pick one that seems friendly and is very young. Look for a short tail and bars on his head like yours. Start over with this new keet. Dont use a glove because this will set off your hand as 'horrible and dangerous'. If your keets get loose gently scoop them up with your hands and put them in the crock of your T-shirt. Make sure you handle your new keet everyday. If you skip one day, it will make a big difference. offer them millet from your hand and other treats. (it may take a couple days before they even take it from your hand but dont give up!)      i wish you luck!