Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > femal parakeet never lay egg

femal parakeet never lay egg

23 9:54:13

I have a female parakeet about 5 years old. She has never laid an egg. is this
normal? Also I wonder if she will ever lay an egg? if she hasn't ever laid a egg
dose this mean she is uncomfortable in her environment?

Hello Julia! If you have a male in the cage and dont have a nest box then it is expected for her not to lay eggs. A female will not lay eggs unless a next box is preasent (as in breeding) if you have no male, and just her then its normal. Some female's will lay an egg or two every now and then but not all female birds do this. It just means that she just doesnt want to lay an egg, which is perfectly fine. If there is a male present and no nest box and you wish them to breed then buy a box and hopefully she will lay eggs. Please let me know if theres anything else i did not answer for you, good luck!