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birds eye

23 9:50:27

my birds eye looks wrong it doesn't have any feathers around it and he keeps itching it is he ok?

Hi Kyla,

It sounds to me like he has one of two things; either lice or an eye infection.  If its mites or lice, your vet should be able to provide you with a powder that will kill them.  You don't need to worry about the cage as much, seeing as the parasites can only survive with a host.  But a word of advice, beware of over the counter remedies.  They are often ineffective and contain chemicals which can cause health problems including liver cancer.

If he has an eye infection, take him to a vet.  First aid treatments, especially when dealing with delicate areas like eyes, can often cause more harm than good.

He will be okay though, provided the condition is treated. To make him more comfortable, make sure his cage and the area around it is dark for at least 10 hours a day, so he can rest.  Also, make sure he has treats and favorite foods; just like people, they enjoy comfort food! :)  

Best of luck!