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Green Parakeet at My Outside Bird Feeder, Denver

23 9:41:50

Hi Christopher.  What should I do about the lovely green parakeet feeding with the wild birds at my feeder?  We have warm weather for another month or so, but when it starts to frost I'd like to have caught it.  It seems to have been out awhile because it flies strongly like the other wild birds.  Ideas?  The Gabriel Foundation is in Denver, so I'll call them too, but they seem to deal mostly with parrots.

Hello Koko,

Unfortunately there isn't alot that can be done unless you can somehow coax the bird into a cage. Even then it would be dangerous to introduce the bird to other animals as a pet, birds living in the wild carry alot of diseases and parasites. Most pet birds that escape either die from exposure to the elements or predators, it is hard to convince a bird or any animal for that matter that life in a 20 inch long cage is better then flying free.