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Budgie swollen toe

23 9:45:24

Hi Leah- When I went on vacation I boarded my two budgies at a pet store for two weeks.  When I picked them up, I noticed one had dried blood on her toe.  I've been watching it- it has been 4 days and the toe looks puffy and is warm to the touch.  Do you know of any treatment I can give her to prevent an infection?  Thanks!

A few things can be done, but if it is warm to the touch, she likely already has an infection and you should call a vet.  Pet stores aren't the most sanitary of places, and since they're exposed to so many different viruses and bacteria from other animals, it's not uncommon for illnesses or infection to show up.  That's why animals from pet stores should be quarantined for 30 days before being put in the cage with other birds.

Clean all the perches thoroughly.  If you have a dishwasher, this will work fine.  Make sure that there is no feces caked on so if the sore opens again and has open bleeding, it will stay cleaner and can keep it from getting further infected.  Plus it's good to do this every so often to keep things tidy.

You can also try mixing some baking soda in some tepid water.  Then let her stand in the dish.  This won't help the infection much, you need antibiotics for that, but it will help it feel better and clean it up a bit.

Apart from keeping the area clean, there's not much that you can do.  Take her to a vet and they can give her an antibiotic.  These usually aren't too expensive, and it's worth it to get it cared for right away. Not only will it be easier to treat if caught early, but it will decrease the amount of time she spends with the discomfort, and will keep the infection from spreading.

Best of luck with your friends!
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you (finals week is coming)!