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is my budgie hurt?

23 9:45:23

My friend recently came over to visit and brought her budgies. She gave us one of her birds, but now the budgie seems hurt. My sister says that when my friend was moving her budgie to our cage, she meet have held him too tight. My sister said that the budgie's spine or leg may have been injured. We can't go to a vet, because of a snow storm, so what should we do?

I doubt that it is a spine injury or she would have trouble moving or be acting like she can't control herself.  It's more likely to be a wing or leg injury.  Thankfully it probably isn't serious or life-threatening.  It's likely just some bruising, but you should have a vet check her over once you can to make sure it's not more serious like a fracture.

I completely understand about the snow storm; we just thawed out after having several feet of snow for two weeks.  Once it's safe enough, you should try to take her to a vet.

Try to examine her if you can.  Check for any sore spots or anything suspicious.  She may hold out a limb differently or react very strongly if you touch her there.  

If her wing is hurt, which is pretty common if they're been moved, try to secure the wing.  Do you have any wrapping for injuries or rolled gauze?  Toilet paper will work in a pinch.  Wrap it gently but firmly around her and try to hold the wing to her body.  You don't want to make it hard for her to breathe, but you want to keep the wing from moving.  Tape the wrapping to itself, not the bird!  You may want to lower the perches or remove them altogether so that she won't try to fly and get hurt.

If it's the leg, it's a little trickier.  Find a couple of matches and take the heads off until they're the right size.  Then using them as a splint, tape them to the leg.  Put her in a little cage or tank with a lid with airholes if you have one.  Line the bottom with something soft so she doesn't hurt her leg any further.  You can put some toys and perches on the floor if you want for her to play with.  Warmth will help too.  A heating pad or hot water bottle will work, just make sure that it doesn't get too hot and it doesn't cover the whole bottom.  That way, she can move away if she gets too warm.

Hopefully your friend will get better soon.  Keep me posted on how she's doing!