Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > How to get my keet to like me and whats wrong with her?

How to get my keet to like me and whats wrong with her?

23 9:53:19

I'm worried about my little keet for she sleeps with her head tucked under her hump(in research I have done,that's one of the symptoms under the"take your bird to the vet if it has any of these symptoms " list) and oftenly closes her eyes even after I've picked her up and talk to her or gently claped my hands to get her attention.Is there anything I can do other than go to the vet.?

Hi, Jackeline.  Thanks for posting!

Sometimes when a bird closes its eyes like you describe, the bird could be dehydrated.  Ensure your bird is drinking enough water.  However, these things you describe could be signs of illness.  I don't have enough detailed information from you in order to help further and even if I did have the information, it is extremely difficult to diagnose bird illness over the internet.  To be on the safe side, you should take your bird to a certified avian veterinarian ASAP for a checkup in order to see if your bird is ill or not.  Don't hesitate.
