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hatchling budgies

23 9:55:22

My parakeet laid a total of 6 eggs starting June 25.  The first egg hatched this morning.  Both mom and dad are in the box moving the baby around.  Will they peck at it and kill it or is this normal behavior. I can hear baby making noise but I do not want to disturb them.

Hello kim! The chances of newborn babies surving is very low because new budgie parents dont always know what to do when raising the young. There are some parakeet parents who raise all their young the fisrt try. my fist female killed three broods before actully raising only a couple of babies. My other female however raised six young on her first try! The male and the female help take care of the baby so it is normal to hear little peeping. The female and male will lay the baby on its back while feeding it. if it survives until day 5 then it is safe to say the chick will live. But dont get discourged if the baby dies. hope the chick makes it and good luck!