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my parakeets death

23 9:50:26

Dear Leah, My parakeet was born with a deformity where leg sort of directed sideways instead of forwards but it didn't really stop him and the vets said it was fine it was just crooked, any ways my bird has survived many things and has always been healthy and happy and i raised him and hand fed him. A few weeks ago i went on vacation  and my brother took care of him and i made sure he fed him and changed his water every day, but while i was gone My brother told me he had died. He said the he saw him laying on his food tray and when he picked him up to see if anything was hurting him that he was breathing heavily and his heart was beating rapidly and that he just died in his hand. My question is why could have my bird died so suddenly when he seemed fine?

Hi Veronica,

I am very sorry to hear about your loss.  As your vet said, it was just crooked.  Its a condition known as splayed leg, which often develops from slipping around in the nest.  These birds can live happy, normal lives, but it is considered a deformity, and can cause health problems later in life (nothing like you've described though, seeing as some problems usually occur in egg laying females).

I am sorry that I can't tell you exactly what happened.  He may have had a heart attack or stroke (birds can get these too).  How old was he?  Was it exceptionally hot or cold that day?  

He may have been ill too, seeing as birds will hide illness or injury as a survival mechanism.  Seeing as he had dealt with this deformity since birth, he was probably pretty good at this.  They try to act as healthy as possible, so that predators will not sense weakness.  They will sometimes stress themselves so much trying to act normally that they waste their last strength trying to keep up the act.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help; get back to me if you want to know more.  I am terribly sorry to hear about your little friend, flying with the angels now.