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taming and preening budgies

23 9:45:58

is an eight month old budgie tamable and if a budgie is fluffy can you do anything with its feathers to make it less fluffy

Dear Talal,
thank you for your question.
At eight months,the budgie is still very young and with patience, you shouldn't have any problems in taming him. Age isn't really a problem when you want to tame budgies, it's more a question of how patient you are and of the budgie's personality, some are harder to tame than others. Millet spray is a good treat to offer them on your hand, even shy budgies will eventually come to your hand to eat it.

If you bird looks like this all the time:
then I recommend seeing an avian vet as soon as possible. Budgies fluff up their feathers when they sleep or rest, but not all the time. That's a good indication that something is wrong and when you actually can see that a bird is sick, it's already very sick. Budgies usually hide that they don't feel well as long as possible.
Here are some more infos on how to recognize a sick bird:
and here are lists of avian vets:

I hope I was of some help to you