Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > 3 mo. old budgie is still scared

3 mo. old budgie is still scared

23 9:54:30

i have had my budgie for 5 days now and he is still scared to death
of me.  i want to help him but he doesnt seem to want it. please
answer soonbecause i want him to be happy

Hello Em! Since your keet is young and probably hasnt had much contact with humans, its natural for him to be scared. Most owners want to pet and cuddle the bird as soon as they bring them home but parakeets can take a while to become tame. 5 days is just only a short time, so dont get your hopes up yet, it will take weeks or months before your bird really trusts you. The first thing you have to do is respect the birds space. By watching his movements and postering you will know if hes scared. If so, back away and talk slowly to him. Sit by his cage for a while until he starts to preen or do other normal things. Grabing him is another thing that will have to wait. They are mostly afraid of hands so make your hand come across as good. Offering millet or a treat in your hand will show him that you are not interested in grabing him and you just want to offer food. Aprouch slowly while talking to him. By doing other daily chores like cleaning the cage, feeding food water, giving treats, or what not will also help him gain trust in you. Its not a process you should rush, if you do you will end up with a biting and unhappy keet. Time pays off, if you treat him with respect and keep your distance while he gets used to your presence you are on your way to a tame bird. Soon he will show relief to see you by fluffing up or chirping. Dont give up, Handling your keet is not the most important thing in the realationship, for your bird to trust you is a real acomplishment and you will be very proud of yourself. good luck!