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bird bird behavior

23 9:53:58

hi, I have two parakeets who are too young to tell the gender of. They really like each other and constantly groom and press their beaks together. recently my older bird seems to be trying to get on top of the otherbird. my other bird just moves away. Tonight as ive been looking in their cage the older birdhas been acting funny. he has been hanging upside down and scooting around thebars of his cage.he even has done little flips on the bars. Im wondering if this is some sort of mating dance. could you tell me more about it? if it isnta matig dance, could you tell  me what it is? thanks already!

Hi, Lydia.  Thanks for posting!

It sounds to me like the bird is playing when it hangs upside down and scooting around the cage bars.  When it gets on top of the other bird, it is "practicing" mating behavior, but if your birds are too young to determine sex, it's just practicing at this point.
