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Lump at start of tail

23 9:52:49

Hi! My budgie has recently developed a lump at the top of his tail. It's around the size of a 10c coin and appears to be made of excess skin. It looks as though there are some small blood vessels in it as well. We gave him a light sponge down and it seemed slightly sensitive to touch, but he is generally not in any obvious pain and is eating and drinking normally. he's kept clean and has constant access to food and water. When we contacted the breeder we bough him off he said not to worry, that one of his breeding hens had a similar lump and it never bothered her. Should I still get it looked at or should I just monitor it?

Hi, Tara.

It depends on what the lump is.  At the top of the tail, it could be the oil preening gland that is impacted or infected, it could be a feather folicle that is infected.  But this could also be something such as a tumor or cyst.  You should get it checked out by a certified avian veterinarian ASAP to be on the safe side.
