Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Does my budgie hate me?

Does my budgie hate me?

23 9:54:07

My boyfriend and I have had our male budgie, Monty for about 4 or 5 months now. He is a lovely little budgie, always chirping and playing with his toys etc. but he seems to be terrified of our fingers when we put our hands in the cage.
He doesn't bite or anything, even when I pick him up (he has tried to bit but i didn't react to it at all so i think he knows it's not going to do him any good..i think he had mites at the time anyway).  The only way to get him out of
his cage is to pick him up and then put him on the floor or my hand or the top of his cage.  He doesn't seem to be scared of us really.  He does jump sometimes when one of us coughs or makes an unexpected noise or movement.  When he is out, he spends most of the time trying to get back to or into his cage.  He likes sitting on top of his cage but i think he just sits there because he doesn't
know how to get back in!!  he will sit on my shoulder and play with my hair sometimes but i think that might be because it is tickling his feet.  he had puked on my hand a couple of times and i'm not sure whether he is ill or whether he is trying to feed me.  i haven't seen him puke any other time and he seems to be happy and chirpy.  does he like me do you think?  he doesn't seem to like my boyfriend that much but that might be because he doesn't really interact with the budgie and when he does, if the budgie jumps or something, so does my boyfriend!!  i think I'll stop waffling now!

Hello Polly! It seems as if you have a very good relationship with your budgie. Most budgies that are not hand-raised from a breeder are a little more weary and shy. Its very good that he doesn't bite you, and that you don't give a big reaction to his biting. All birds love to preen hair and find it quite relaxing and fun to groom their companion, bird or human. Regurgitation is def. a sign of affection. You would know if he was sick because the regurgitated stuff would have blood, or may be foamy and not look right.  But it is simply a sign that he views you as his mate or trusted companion. Its also normal for a bird to want to go back into his cage, after all thats where they probably feel the safest. Most birds act terrified when we reach out hand into their cage. We are invading their comfort level in their home. Try leaving the cage door open for a while that way he can choose whether or not to come out. Also to make him realize that seeing your hand is a good thing and nothing to be afraid of, offer parsley or millet spray from your hand in the cage. It seems you two are very close and what ever you are doing is working well, so don't stop. good luck with Monty!