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Budgie eggs, HELP!!!!

23 9:52:51

hi again, i bought my birds a breeding nest, but none of them go in it. instead, they bite it and rip it. the one that i bought was for smaller birds, but my other friends with budgies use the same one i bought. i was thinking of buying a proper budgie breeder, but its too big for my cage and it cost about $20. should i buy a wild bird breeder and put like hay or something on the bottom of the cage to make it comfortable?

Hi again, Shaila.

Based on your other posts, I don't think you should allow your budgies to breed yet.  Your other post stated your birds have "cuts" on them.  I think you need to slow down a bit here, learn more about what you are doing and about budgies in general before you allow your birds to breed.  Each of your pairs of birds needs to be housed in separate breeding cages, each pair needs to be pair-bonded before being put in a breeding situation, and you need to have the proper equipment for them to breed.  Visit my website for more basic information:
