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Help with my parakeets

23 9:44:33

Hello, my name is Anthony. Well,I got my two parakeets last summer, my
aunt's friend gave them to me. One was blue and white the other was yellow
and white and the last was yellow blue and white. When I first got them they
was in a cage the guy also gave me for free. I went to walgreens and bought
some pet food for em. At first they didn't eat but then they did the next day.
Sometime after that one started biting the other. If I've only known what was
going to happen, one day I left then came back and I saw one laying on the
floor. I was horiffied, now I have 2 birds left and their still scared of me when
I put my hand in there. Well the other day my mom left the birds outside and
they were soaked. Good thing I took them out for the first time since I've
gotten them to dry em! I just want to know how to bond with them they are
always scared of me. They live in the kitchen and I hope it's not a problem.
Yesterday I finally buy a nest for them that's preety big buy keen if the birds
moove them and they stayed away from it. Should I put something in the nest
like a cloth? Lastly, should I put them in a higher place but where ?

Hello Anthony,
First of all your birds are probably tramatised from not being able to get out of the rain and getting soaked.
Second, in order for a parakeet to be COMPLETELY tame, you need to get one that was hand raised and held from birth. There really is no hope of taming a bird that has never been touched by a human before and is an adult.
Third, parakeets need a nesting box in order for them to breed. It sounds to me like you need to google breeding and proper care of parakeets on google. There are some good websites on how to take care of your birds.
They dont require or nessecarily like anything in there nest box, so dont put anything in it. The higher they are, the happier there going to be. As long as there not by a vent or something.

Good Luck Anthony, and do some research!