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Budgie wont leave cage

23 9:51:56

Hi it's me again. I have a hard time playing with my budgie, because she is always trying to get back to her cage when she's out. There are only 7 things in her cage, so I don't know if they tempt her. They are:Millet spray,cuttlebone,birdseed,mineral,swing,mirror and wheel.

Dear Kimalo,
thank you for your question.
Throw out the mirror, it's potentially dangerous for her. Budgies will try to feed the bird they see in the mirror and keep regurgitating food. Since the mirror bird doesn#t eat it, they swallow it themselves and regurgitate it again. This can cause crop infection. It's the same with plastic birds.

Try building her a playgroud outside the cage with some toys. She may take a while (up to weeks) to get used to it, but it's a lot more interesting for them if they can sit somewhere else than on top of the cage. Here's a picture of my budgie playtree:
a new one, made from corkcrew hazel:
Hazel, oak, beech, birch, apple, pear and poplar are for example safe trees, as long as they were not treated with pesticides.
Decorating the tree with millet spray may help in getting her to use it.

I recommend getting her a partner. Budgies are very social and need company of their own species. A human cannot replace another bird, she gets bored and lonely when you leave her alone evenfor a short time, they are used to being in the company of their partner or their flock 24 hours a day. They won't breed unless you offer a nesting box, which I don't recommend since budgie breeding is much harder than it sounds and you need a profound knowledge of genetics.
Since your bird is already tame, the new bird will learn that behaviour from her. Millet spray is also a good way to get them both to sit on your hand, even the shyest bird will come to you for it. Two birds will be more active and will explore more because they feel safer and because they have each other to play with even when you are not at home.

I hope I was of some help to you