Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > does my budgie like me?

does my budgie like me?

23 9:53:56

hi,i have a budgie and i was wondering if she likes me.i would put my hand in the cage and she would nibble on my finger (very gently).Also i would very gently tap her beak because i read it was a friendly gesture and sometimes she does the same back.She also steps up onto my finger on cammand.Does she like me?I also want to know how to strengthen our bond.thanks

Hi, Sarah.  Thanks for posting!

Are you the same Sarah I've communicated with previously regarding budgies?  

Your bird seems to be responding to you based on the information in your post.  Whether this means she likes you or not, I can't say.  The bird doesn't appear to be frightened by you based on your statements.  Sounds like you're off to a good start with your bird.

To strengthen your bond with your bird, continue to develop a trusting relationship with your bird, spend as much time with your bird as you can (or at least when you do have some time, spend it with your bird), don't do anything that would make your bird afraid/frightened of you, allow your bird to sit with you as you watch TV/surf the net/play Xbox or whatever (include your bird in things you do at home), feed your bird a healthy, nutritious diet (not all seed), etc.  Positively interacting with your bird as often as possible will help to strengthen the bond between the two of you.
