Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > i need help?????????

i need help?????????

23 9:52:16

how come my birds wont breed ? i have a log with sawdust inside? i bought an extra bird for company but it makes no difference?i have a small cage is that the problem?i am sure that they are male and female also my femlae fights with my new bird should i seperate them? i dont know what the problem is? i have had them for some time but no progess. please help

Hi, Jairo,

A pair-bonded pair of birds do not need "company."  They do not want an extra bird for company in the same cage with them.  This is one of the problems.  Also, I'm not so sure a log with sawdust inside is a proper nesting setup.  A cage with a nesting box attached would be better.  If the cage is too small, yes, it can be the problem (how big is the cage)?  Sawdust is a no-no with baby birds anyway...sawdust will get into their mouths and nostrils and kill them (even the parents it isn't very good to use).  If your pair is not pair-bonded, they will not breed.  Pair-bonding is when the male feeds the female beak-to-beak.  If this is not happening, they are not bonded enough to breed.  Yes, you should separate the "extra" bird from the breeding pair.  Do not put any substrate in the bottom of a nest for the birds...budgies don't need/want nesting material.
