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New friend

23 9:54:32

About a month ago, I had a happy pair of birds that were crazy about each other.  However, I raise them outside.  
(My mom thinks the birds will appreciate freash air)  I have done this ever since I bought them.  One day, when I came back from school, my mom told me that one of the birds was killed by a crow.  I really don't know how that happened but I saw few spots of blood around the cage.  Luckly, the other one was perfectly fine and still healthy.  About a week later, I decided to find him another mate and brought a female bird.  I immediatly put the birds together in the same cage.  (I know I am not supposed to do that)  But I had no other choice because I had no other cage.  They don't fight and seem to show no signs of hating each other.  Its a good sign but they never play with each other and they don't scratch each other's head.  They are a female and a male and I want them to not only like, but love each other.  Should I give them some more time or is there anything I can do to bond them?  
P.S  They have been together for 4 weeks already so they are not shy.  

Hi Stanley,

Your orignal budgie is probably a bit stand offish as he misses his mate still, there's not really anything you can do per say to make them like eachother you'll just have to be paitent My budgies adore eachother and follow eachother around the house yet they never really play or groom eachother,I guess some birds are just like that...
So unfortunately time is the only answer.