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Injured Bird, HELP!

23 9:52:05

My bird was attacked by a crow and he's got a cut under its left foot. What do I do?! It was bleeding so I applied some disinfectant for wounds on the cut and bandaged it to stop the bleeding. Is that okay? I also want to know what I should feed him and what medicine I should use so that he recovers fully. Is there anything else I should do for him? I really don't want my bird to die!!!

Hi, Stephanie,

How did a crow and your bird get together?  It depends on the extent of the injury.  You did good by stopping the bleeding, cleaning the wound, etc., but don't expect the bird to keep a bandage on.  You need to keep the wound clean and dry.  Keep the bird's cage clean at all times until the wound has healed so germs from feces, old food, etc., don't infect the wound.  If the wound is severe enough, you should take the bird to see a certified avian veterinarian for treatment ASAP.  I have found that Betadine is excellent for cleaning wounds.  Find it at any local pharmacy.  I don't recommend using creams or lotions, such as triple antibiotics, etc., because the bird might consume and become ill.  

You don't need to change your bird's diet because of this.  Hopefully, your bird is already on a healthy, nutritious diet of a variety of foods.  All seed is not a healthy diet.  Any prescription meds would have to come from an avian veterinarian.  

I can't help further because I don't know the extent of the injury.  Consult a certified avian vet if necessary.
