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budgie being sick

23 9:54:22

Hi I'm hoping you can help, I've had my budgie for 3 years now and he is really good he won't let you touch him but he is very tame and also talks but these last few weeks he has been regurgitating his seed and he is getting very frisky with his mirror, any suggestions?  Am really worried coz don't know if this is natural or if he is sick?  Thanks.

Hi Julie,

It sounds like your little budgie is in a bit of a mating frenzy...Which you have nothing to worry about, I would however remove the mirror as the mirror is making him excited he thinks it's another budgie and is trying to mate with it lol.
As for regurgitating his seed he's practicing for fatherhood, just keep an eye on his weight and gagging reflex to make sure he's not choking and that he is still eating properly. Hopefully removing the mirror will stop this behaviour.