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new environment and budgie scared

23 9:51:10


I was wondering what to do to have my grandma's budgie unafraid of me and able to come out of his cage. I have been grabbing him gently around the neck to have him come out as the vet showed me. I think he is not used to the change and he hasn't been out of his cage in 5 yrs; he is 5 yrs now. I would like some advice on carrying for him and having him comfortable with me. He did recently puff up when I came in the room, but he is fine when I leave.



Hi Jennifer!
I would just continue to work with him.
After 5 years of not being handled, he might be a bit shocked at this new attention.
Just take it slow, speak to him gently, and hold him softly. He should get more comfortable each time you hold him.

Hope this helps! ^^