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taming my budgies

23 9:50:59

Hi, my name is David.I have two bugdies that are blue and green.I want to know how to tame my birds, so that they will stay on my shoulder and not fly away. I also want to know if birds can be potty trained so they will not poo everywere, but only in there cage, and if they can be potty trained, then how do i teach them? And lastly I want to know how to teach the birds not to be scared of big objects, and other people. Please can you tell me how to teach my budgies these things.

Well David, training takes a lot of work, patience, and dedication.
  I'll tell you the great secret to sucessful bird training that most people don't know. This is where 80% of bird trainers go wrong with their training.
The big tip is;
  Seperate your birds. You cannot train them if they are allowed to be together, not ever during training.
The best thing you can do is buy another small cage and put one bird in it, then put the birds as far away from each other in the house as possible.

  Firstly, to teach your bird to stay on your shoulder, work in an enclosed room. Pull the shades down over any windows and cover mirrors with a towl so the bird won't fly into them and get hurt.
Take your bird out of his cage and put him on your shoulder. If he flies off, gently pick him up and return him to your shoulder.
When he finally learns to stay on your shoulder, slowly walk around the room until he is totally comfotable riding around on your shoulder.

   Secondly, I'm sorry but Budgies cannot be potty trained.

  And lastly, the only way to get your bird used to other people and objects is to expose him to them as much as possible. Holds him close to the large object and show him that it's okay and isn't going to hurt him.
As for other people, perhaps you could get them to hold the bird and talk to him.

    Remember, don't push your birds too hard or force them to do anything until they are comfortable. All birds have their own pace, and some learn faster than others.
I wish you the best of luck with your training and feel free to write anytime you need help or advise. :)