Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > theres something wrong with my budgie!

theres something wrong with my budgie!

23 9:50:59

hi, yesterday my budgie started acting really strange. he kept looking up at the top of his cage for no reason and usually he dosent like to be touched (he is tame though) and makes funny noises when people touch him, but now he just ignores us and lets us pat him. this morning i found him sitting on the bottom of his cage and he cant open his feet and wont stand up.he just lies there with one wing sticking out. as far as we know he hasnt flown into anything and hasnt been acting strangley the past few days. please help!

The best thing you could do is take him to an Avian vet.
But then I remember being told the same thing when my bird was ill and I couldn't afford a vet.
If you can't get him to an Avian Vet, I would suggest just keeping him quiet and peaceful. Put a shallow dish of water at the bottom of the cage near him so he can drink and you should make a small pile of seed near him as well. If he doesn't drink or eat, I'm sure you know not to force him to. :)
I'm sorry, but I really don't know what else to tell you.

I wish you the best of luck and feel free to write me any time you need help.