Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Im so worried!!!

Im so worried!!!

23 9:53:34

I just got my two parakeets and they are so scare of me that they hop around the cage like crazy!!! Or when one moves and thats when they get freakes out!!! I don't know what to do!! What should I do?! IS there anything I could do to make my parakeets stay calm? And start to like me? Please send me the answer as soon as you can!!!

Hi, Xee.  Thanks for posting!

Obviously, you bought 2 untame parakeets.  If you wanted tame birds, why did you buy untame birds?  You have to give these birds some time to get used to their new environment in your home and get used to you first.  Do you know how old these birds are?  Are they male and female, 2 males, 2 females?

Untame birds may or may not be able to be tamed.  Since birds prefer other birds to humans, you may never be able to tame these birds as long as you have 2 of them.  If you are going to breed these birds, they probably can't also be pet birds.  Also, you have to have some knowledge of parrot behavior, taming, etc., before you can do anything with them.

What are your plans for these birds (pets or breeders)?  Do you have any knowledge, experience, etc., on how to tame parrots?

You can get some information on taming/parrots in general on my website:

Come back with answers to my questions and any other questions you might have and I'll see if I can help you more.
