Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > hi i need help

hi i need help

23 9:53:59

ok the problem is that ive been reading of the internet the word "perch" and it said that when ur making a nest box for the budgies its sais to put a perch in the entrance of the nest box but my definition for perch is a type of fish, but wat i am think is that why am i gonna put a fish in the birds nest, n well maybe you can tell me why that is or is there another definition for perch? please reply, ok thanx! it would be great if u helped me wit that.

Hi, Tony.  Thanks for posting!

A "perch" is something a bird stands on.  Birds have to have perches in their cages so they have something to stand on.  A perch for a nesting box would be a short, stubby piece of wood (a dowel rod or could be a tree limb)just under the entrance hole so a bird can stand at the nesting box entrance hole and look in the nesting box or use the perch as an aid to get inside the nesting box.

These are a variety of different bird perches:

If you scroll about half way down the page at this link, the short pieces of wood you see just under the nesting box entrance holes are "perches."

A dictionary is a good source for meanings of words.
