Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Help!!!! My budies shredding the wallpaper!!

Help!!!! My budies shredding the wallpaper!!

23 9:52:56

QUESTION: I have two budgies one male and one female. The female one keeps shredding the wallpaper and has recently become louder. She has also started chewing on the toys in the cage. Whats happening? Is there something wrong? im quite worried! Please help

ANSWER: Hi, Laura.

Are your birds pair-bonded (does the male feed the female beak-to-beak)?  Have they recently mated?  If so, I'd say there's a possibility of eggs on the way.  If not, the female is quite disturbed to say the least about something!  I need more information/details about what's going on in order to help further.  When did this behavior start, had there been any changes around the home, etc., when this behavior changed, is the cage large enough??


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: yes the male feeds the female beak to beak and im not sure whether they have recently mated but i think it is possible. The behavior started about 5 days ago. There have been no changes around the house that i am aware of. I have two budgies and i think the cage is big enough for 3-4 budgies. Thank You.

Hi again, Laura.

If there's a nesting box set up, I'd say chances are pretty good eggs are coming.  If no nesting box is set up, then this might be why she is behaving this way...she has no where to lay her eggs.  Eggs can take up to 10-14 days to arrive after mating begins.  If babies do come, you'll need a larger cage and you should move them to a larger cage BEFORE eggs come.  You'll need a cage big enough to hold about 8 birds (2 adults and up to 6 babies), depending on if you plan on handfeeding any babies or not.  If so, you will pull babies for handfeeding when they are about 10 days old, so you would be able to keep the current cage.  If you won't handfeed, then you'll need a larger cage to house them all once the babies get adult size.  
