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Ageing Budgerigars

23 9:52:48

What is the life span of Budgerigars ? On getting old they overgrow their beaks and toes can something be done about this ?

Hi, Arun,

The life span of budgies depends on their genetics and how well they are cared for during their lifetime.  Overgrown beaks can be an indication of health problem(s), lack of vitamins, improper diet, lack of something in their cage to chew on/help keep beak trimmed, etc.  An avian veterinian or someone experienced at trimming beaks can help with this.  It's very important that someone experienced at trimming beaks do this for you, as much damage can be done by someone inexperienced at beak trimming.  Your bird may need to be seen by an avian veterinarian to rule out any medical issues, depending on the cause of the beak overgrowth.  

Toenails need to be trimmed whenever necessary.  They are made of the same material our fingernails are made of and constantly grow.  You can buy special types of perches to help out with this problem.  An avian vet or someone experienced with trimming toenails can do this for you.  If you've trimmed cat or dog toenails, it's the same procedure for a bird.  There's a vein that runs through the nail you need to avoid to keep from causing bleeding, but trim off the excess nail yourself if you can see the vein when holding the toenail up to a light source.  You might be able to find pictures/instructions about this on the internet by Googling.
