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community indoor avery how many is the perfect number of budgies

23 9:49:49

ok i am so confused i am getting ready to get an indoor avery flight cage and was told by my local store that this cage could hold 6 pair of keets with no problem. the specs

Dimensions: 67" height, by 37"  length, by 24" depth  

Bar Thickness: 1/14"
Bar Spacing: 1/2"
Includes 2 front doors, 2 feeder doors, 3 breederbox doors, 2 plastic feeder dishes, 6 straight pine perches,  
i want too make sure everyone has enough space to be happy.
also the breeder box really doesn't make cence too me as in nature these birds nest in holes in trees and logs i thought.  cant i just give them several options of where they want to lay eggs.  I just want them too be happy.

Six pairs would be doable, but not necessarily ideal.  You can try it, but let's assume that each of those pairs decides to breed, and does so successfully.  You will go from 12 budgies to anywhere from 30 to 48 birds!  Just keep that in mind...

Yes, in the wild they do nest in trees.  Most breeder boxes (at least the ones you would want to use) are wood and designed to be as similar to what they would use in the wild as possible.  They're pretty resourceful, so they should be able to utilize almost whatever you give them.  You'll want to get one with a concave (sunken in) bottom.  A good rule of thumb is two boxes per pair.  They're sometimes a bit picky and its best to give them options.  It's best to vary  the height and location a bit so the pairs can find the ones which work for them.

The breederbox doors you have aren't really that necessary.  You can always hang them in the aviary, as long as you make sure they are easily accessible.

Best of luck, and feel free to ask me if you have any other questions!