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Budgies Laying Infertile Eggs (follow up qu.)

23 9:52:39

Hi Again!

The female has now laid 4 eggs and i think that was the last one. she hasnt laid another egg for a couple days now. i never see her come out of the box and she is incubating them more intently now. i believe it has been 8 or 9 days since she laid the first egg. i guess i will try and candle them again tomorrow. if i still see the same thing how long will it be until she abondons them. and would there be a good specific time when i should try again?

                         ~thanks again for your help

Hi again, Anonymous,

She will abandon them when she's satisfied they aren't going to hatch.  This could be the full incubation period of 18 days or it could take a bit longer than that or she could abandon them earlier than 18 days.  You'll know when she's abandoned them because she will no longer sit on them, she may break them open, throw them out of the nesting box, etc.  

Laying eggs is hard on a female.  If she doesn't have a mate, don't let her lay at all (remove the box).  If she has a mate, they will likely go to nest again fairly quick.  However, you don't want to overbreed them.  Allow them to lay 2-3 clutches per year, depending on how many eggs are laid, number of babies reared to weaning, etc., and let them rest the remainder of the year.
