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Handfeeding Budgies

23 9:41:24

How do I handfeed my budgies? If I handfeed my budgie do I still have to keep food in the cage? What is the dofference between hand tamed and tamed? How do I train my budgies to talk? Thanks for your help.

 Hello Angel,

Essentially, a hand tamed budgie is a tamed budgie. When people speak of taming, they mean that the bird is comfortable with being picked up or "stepping up" onto your finger. You generally will not handfeed a budgie that can eat on its own. Handfeeding usually occurs when budgies are very young, this imprints the human and human hand so that they are much more acceptable of being handled. Handfeeding usually starts at 7-10 days old in my aviary, and I stop handfeeding when they are capable of eating on their own, which is around 6 weeks of age or so. You have to use a handfeeding formula and heat it to the correct temp. and keeping it within those temps for the duration of the feeding. If you feed a cold formula the budgie can become ill, and if it's to hot, they can be injured. You would need to purchase books and supplies based on what type of syringes you wish to use and what formula you wished to use. There is alot of information online using any major search engine like google, yahoo, etc.