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Ants getting into cage

23 9:51:10

A few weeks ago I bought two parakeets, Rain and Dew. I had them in my room until recently, but had to move them out because I found out I was having allergic reactions to them. We moved them to the living room and they seem to be doing fine.

Unfortunately, where I live, it is that time of year when ants are everything! Yesterday I found at least 2 dozen ants crawling at the bottom of the cage, on the outside, and on the table where the cage sits. I guess it is because the birds keep throwing seeds out, and are attracting the ants.

I have cleaned the cage, replaced the food, and clean the area where the cage sits, as well as kill the ants. So now the cage is ant-free at the moment.

I am worried that later on the ants will come again. Can the ants hurt my parakeets?? Is there something I can do to keep the ants away from the food and floor of the cage?

Thanks =)

Dear Yesenia,
thank you for your question.
Most ant species cannot vaseline barriers. Try smearing vaseline on the legs of the table or on the bottom part of the cage, a barries that's one inch wide is usually enough. That should stop them from coming into the cage. Oil works as well, but has to be re-applied more often than vaseline.
I hope I was of some help to you