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budgies fighting

23 9:44:48

QUESTION: i have 2 budgies i already asked a question and u said that one of them is likey to be a girl because of its goldish yellw core. u said it would be better not to separate them but the white one is being a bit violent, one day is saw the yellow budgie was hanging and the white one was holding it by the tail and the day before he was biting the yellow's wing. i want 2 separate them but i am worried they might if the dont be together. it seems as if the white is ready 2 breed but the yellow is 2 young she isnt even 1 yr old yet. and the yellow seems scared of him 2. today i put them in diffrent cages (but in the same room) and immediatly the white one kept climbing the walls o the cage and trying to get 2 the yellow one but the yellow one was calm as if nothing had happend. should i separate them?

ANSWER: I think that you have two girls.  The golden cere means that it's a female, but this sort of aggression is usually only a problem with females, so I think they are both girls.  I don't think that this is caused by them being ready to breed, but it may be because females will fight over space.  They like to have a secure area that they can protect from other birds so that they can use it as a nest.  

I would separate them for a week or two, but leave their cages close enough that they can talk without hurting each other.  That will give the yellow one time to calm down.  Then, you can put them back together, and hopefully they will stop fighting.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i am pretty sure the white one is not female but i well seperate them anyway. are u sure they wont die if i do?

No, they will not die from being separated.  Sometimes when birds get lonely, they won't eat or drink as much, but instinct will tell them that they need it.  Plus, if you keep the cages close enough that they can still communicate, they won't get as lonely.