Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > hurt budgie

hurt budgie

23 9:46:12

Hi Erika,
I bought 2 budgies yesterday one is older than 8mths and the other is younger than 4mths(i think).Any way the older one I noticed has patches of dry blood on some of his  wing feathers.I think I seen a cut when he stretches the wing.I am afraid to pick him up as I don't want to scare him and I don't know anything about him as I bought them in a pet shop and they weren't very helpful with any thing.Can you give me some tips on how to care for them etc as I got bird seed and grit but I don't know how to use the grit as the box is all foreign writing.
All help you can give me is greatly appreciated.
Thanks .

Hi nicola!

First off, budgies don't need grit. They are a type of bird that actually cracks their seeds open and eats the inside. Grit is for birds who swallow their food whole. As for you injured parakeet, I'd guess he may have a broken blood feather or a just a regular cut. Either way you need to pick him up with a soft towel and clean off the blood with a wash cloth or paper towel and warm water. Then, put some antibiotic ointment on the broken blood feather or scratch and leave it to heal. There's not much else I can tell you to do without seeing the bird for myself, but if you get really worried you can take it to an avian vet. If you have any more questions feel free to ask a follow=up!

Hope this helps!