Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > weird cere abnormality

weird cere abnormality

23 9:53:04

Hi, I've had my budgie for about 7 years and he had just recently deveolped a strange growth on his cere. It is just on the cere and it is a dark brown color. It looks a little cracked and dry but it isn't going away and I'm a bit concerned. I though it could be mites but i've looked at pictures of the mites and they are white and crusty and don't look like this. It doesn't seem to be affecting him or bothering him but I'm concerned about what it is. He his feet seem to be bothering him lately too but they don't look any different. If you can offer any advice I would really appriciate it. Thank you.

Hi, Jerri.

Are you sure this bird is male?  Females when in breeding condition have dark brown, crusty-look ceres.  I need more details about why you say "his" feet are bothering him...what's going on here?  

Scaly-face mites, once buried under the skin on the cere/feet/legs, will make the area look like warts.  You can't actually see the mites...they bury under the skin and "push" the skin up/out, which makes the skin look like warts.
