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squeaking budgie

23 9:50:36

I have 2 budgies, got them from a friend whose kids were not good with them. Anyway had them for nearly a year, I haven't looked to sex them, I don't really mind but I imagine one is male the other female.
The Blue one (female I think), has always been very slow, not a good flyer but does come out for the odd fly round. The green one is great flyer & is now even eating out of our hands.
It is a great eater (in fact I have cut its food down a bit as it is a bit on the fatter side) so no eating problems.
The problem is the blue one, it squeaks all day & most of the night, its not chirping I can tell the difference easily. Even when I cover it up at night it still squeaks? Do you have any ideas why?

Hi dot!

Your budgie might still be afraid that the kids it used to live with are going to hurt it. A budgie's warning call and their call when frightened are very high-pitched and squeaky sounding. This may be what your hearing, although it might be good for you to take her to an avian vet just to be on the safe side. It may just take some time before she's completely comfortable with humans again.

(Here is a way to tell whether your budgies are male or female: If the skin around the nostrils is blue then it's a male, if the skin is brown, tan, or peach, then it's a female.)

Hope this helps!