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bird room temperature

23 9:44:46

My son has a garden shed with his budgies turquazines and cockatiel, he recently lost his finches to cold and i have purchased a thermometer to monitor max and min temps but i do not know what the maximum and minimum temperatures should fall with in, could you please advise

Hello S, the normal temperature for a Budgie is the typical room temperature for most people which is from 70 to 72 degrees F. The Max
a Budgie can stand very warm temperatures of around 100 degrees as long as they have plenty of fresh water and it is not too humid. Under these warm conditions you will see the Budgie stretching its neck, gaping and panting and holding its wings out to its side to try and cool off as they cannot sweat like people. Under these conditions you can also spray your birds with cool but not cold water with a fine spray bottle. Budgies can also suffer heat stroke, so beware in hot climates, you may want to install a cooling system.

Budgies can stand cool temperatures as long as the temperature drops slowly over a long period of several hours. You can turn the heat in your home or aviary down as far as you want at night since the temperature will drop very slowly. Im going to put the minimum level of temperature at 50 degrees. However, Budgies can easily stand freezing temperatures as long as the temperature falls slowly over a couple hours or days period.

If the temperature in your area falls from 70 degrees F. in a day and at night down to freezing I would suggest you install a heating system in your shed.

Good Luck S!
