Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > mybugie relation

mybugie relation

23 9:53:43

sorry to intruped u  but my second question about the relation of my only 2 budgies male and femalwasnt fixed     ,,,,           the question is that since the time i bring them from one year  and my ugly male trying to atract the pretty female but she was always repulse him when he try to feed here a letuse and preen here but she always go away from him and tap him with here beec ,notice: that when i buy here i took here away from here previos couple        ,,,,,soo is ther any chance that they may be couple after this long long time and lay egg????    and please answer me about here weird behavior .first question                   thnx very big

Hi again, Omar.  

You must have asked your second question of someone else because this is the first time I've seen this question.  There are several people on this site that answer must have directed your question to someone else.

Parrots usually mate for life with 1 bird, so if your female was previously paired up with another male, she may not be receptive to the new male.

Are you sure you have a male/female pair?  If you have 2 birds of the same sex, they won't pair-bond.  

Just because we put 2 birds together, this doesn't necessarily mean they will get along and pair-bond in order to produce offspring.  Some birds just don't get along with a bird we pair them up with.  Evidently, these 2 birds aren't compatible with each other (or they are the same sex).
