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help with 5 yr old adopted parakeet

23 9:50:56

My mother just adopted a 5 yr old female parkeet from a 95 yr old woman who went into a nursing home.  The bird was kept in the same small cage with the same toys in the same places the entire time.  She was always kept in front of a window.  Not knowing any better, my mother bought her a new cage with new toys and placed her in it the very first day.  The cage is easily three times the size of the old one.  The bird has now been there for a week and she seems to be getting more and more depressed.  My mother thinks that she'd like a buddy.  Should she get her a buddy to help her adjust, or should she give her more time to adjust to the new environment?  Mom keeps the bird in a family room, but she doesn't stay in that room all day with her.  Also, there isn't the availability of a window for the bird because there is a declawed cat also in the house that can jump on the window sills and get at the bird cage.  So mom has the bird's cage up against an interior wall.  Is it possible that this bird can die from stress due to all the changes she's been through?  Please help.

I would give her a little time to adjust, but a buddy would be a good idea.  Parakeets are very social animals.

The bird shouldn't need someone to stay with her constantly, especially if you get her a friend.  But if you're worried about her getting lonely, turning on a radio or TV will help.

Its possible for an animal to die from stress, but its unlikely if the animal is well cared for, and you alleviate the stress.