Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > My female budgies cere?

My female budgies cere?

23 9:51:24

Hi Varrath,

I have what I believe is a female budgie, (see photo link) Her cere is a dark brown, crusty colored. It might be to dark, here cere, so i'm worried. Not sure if she is in a breeding mood etc, I have a male budgie in the cage with her right now,  I bought her today. So far they are quite. He is right now more active, she just sits in the cage and doesn't do anything. At the pet store she was more active and was with several other birds. Am I doing anything wrong? Do I need time for them to bond and play? I have toys etc. They just sit next to each other and just do nothing....Here is a another picture of them both.

Thank you so much for taking the time and reading this.


Hello Danny,

This is Calyopea answering...just so you know!

Your birds are very pretty, i had a female just like this!

The birds will definitely need time to bond. It does look like she could possibly be in breeding mode. But, the birds will not breed until they are pair bonded, (feed and preen each other, call to each other, do not like being separated, etc). The new one will need some time to settle in, so for the first few days to maybe a week or two, she will be still and quiet and so active. She is still adjusting. Give her time. Pretty soon she will be comfortable in her new surroundings and will hop around and play with your other bird!

Hope this helps!
Any other questions or if you need more info feel free to ask and don't forget to rate the answer!
