Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Budgies > Sick male parakeet

Sick male parakeet

23 9:52:08

I've had him for about a year and a half now. Today I noticed he has been sleeping alot and has been puffy and has his feathers open like they do when they are too hot. Also he has been bobbing his head up and down as they do when they're going to feed another bird, but normally he does this with quick up and down motions, today he's stretching his neck longer and slower. Water or what seems like water, is dripping out of his mouth. I have a female who seems to be okay. Please help and should I separate them? Thanks in advance.

Hi, Jasmin,

Yes, please separate these birds, as the male is sick.  You need to get the male, and probably take the female too, to a certified avian vet ASAP.  Your bird is showing signs of respiratory problems and needs medication ASAP or you could easily lose this bird.  Birds hide signs of illness for as long as they's Mother Nature.  By the time we notice symptoms, the bird has already been sick too long.  Do not hesitate getting this bird medical attention.
