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signs of impending birth for a jennet

20 16:55:20

My mom and dad got a male and female donkey last June and we discovered that the female was pregnant not long after that.  We are pretty sure that she was pregnant before we got her and she is huge!  Right now, she looks to have a swollen vulva and her teats hang down more than they did, but they do not appear to be "full" yet.  I was just wondering if you could let me know what some of the imminent signs that birth is near are!  This is the first time that any of us have had a jennet ready to foal and we are very excited!!!  Thanks!!!

Hi Anna,

Congratulations on your foal to be. Donkeys, unlike horses can have a gestation period of a year-13 months.  It is not unknown for a donkey to foal at 400 days. Some of these signs are, that her udder will get larger about 2-4 week out. It may fill up during the night and shrink during the day as she gets more exercise.  About 1-2 weeks out her teats will begin to fill with milk. They will get bigger, the closer she gets. You will also notice that her pelvis and vulva will start to relax. About 12 hours prior to foaling they will become very relaxed and her vulva will turn a bright purple.  She will rub her back side on items to relieve the pressure. She will also get milk veins on her abdomen.   About 12-24 hours prior to her foaling the mare may get wax on her udder. She also may have milky fluid leak from her teats for a day or so before.
