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Pseudomonas aeruginosa

20 16:53:45

I recently took my (miniature) Falabella to a fertility specialist in Tucson.  He was diagnosed with Pseudomonas aeruginosa - 1+.  The vet said that the only way for up to reproduce would be to have his sperm sterilized and then artifically inseminate the mare.  We have also been told that this can be cured.  We do not want to artificially inseminate (usually to0 expensive and definitely too distant 170 miles).  

We have seen him cover w/penetration of three mares a number of times (field breeding).  None of them became pregnant.  The mares have since been checked.  Results are not back yet.  
I can email/attach an image of the specialists diagnosis if you

Dear Tom

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is treatable in stallions.  It is a difficult and sometimes frustrating process.  What your vet is recommending is a minimal contamination technique, but you are right, it is expensive and complicated.  Much better if your stallion isn't infected.  (BTW This is why many breeders require a clean culture on any mare brought to their stallion.)

The treatment techniques involve various cleaning methods and the use of a woods light (an ultraviolet light used to see bacterial and/or fungal infections on skin).

An excellent book on equine reproduction "Current therapy in equine reproduction"  By Juan C. Samper, Jonathan F. Pycock, A. O. McKinnon recommends several different treatment modalities.  The woods light is used to make certain your treatment is successful.  I am not a veterinarian (but I am the mother of one :=) ). I highly recommend you either purchase or borrow a copy of the book and discuss the recommended treatment with your own veterinarian.  

Good Luck

Lynne Curtis Gudes
"Common sense isn't."